Maryam Fawzi

Wild Card Hackathon: Innovative Solutions During the Pandemic

COVID-19 has affected everyone on this globe in several different ways, even those who do not actually have the…

Business Initiatives Taking on the Pandemic

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic that everyone is now talking about, businesses are trying to play their part in whichever…

Coronavirus Weekends: Art, Music, Gaming and Binging

In a land where coronavirus has taken over, countries on lock down, individuals self-isolating, almost everyone working from home…

Work From Home – It’s Video Conferencing’s Time to Shine

The year 2020 came in ready to throw us with some disasters left and right, the most…

Orascom Development Egypt Appoints two new Interims in Bichara’s Place

Orascom Development Egypt’s (ODE) Board of Directors appointed an interim CEO and an interim co-CEO in light of…