Serious Business

5 Egyptian Female Entrepreneurs You Should Know About

Egyptian women have been entrepreneurs since way before entrepreneurship became a thing. Women have been business patrons since their introduction to the…

Cinema’s Role in the Life of Refugees: In the Wake of El Gouna Film Festival!

“Life must win” These words, taken from an interview with the business tycoon Naguib Sawiris; the Founder of…

The American University in Cairo Inaugurates their 13th President

The American University in Cairo just introduced its 13th president today; celebrating him in a formal exclusive event and…

Darren Aronofsky: The Creative Mind Behind Your Favorite Surrealist Thrillers.

We all got very familiar with the name Aronofsky because of his most recent masterclass at the…

Amr Helmy on Marwan Pablo x Shabjadeed: Hire the Experts.

Shabjdeed and Marwan Pablo took the stage in Pablo’s comeback concert last Friday, October 1st, 2021. The concert was met…

Period but Make It Chic: Palma’s New Period Kit Sets out to Break The Norm

What if the period talk was finally normal? What if we didn’t have to shy away in a corner…

The FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine

The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first COVID-19 vaccine, for individuals of 16 years and up….

Al Rawabi School for Girls: A Netflix Original that Hits Close to Home!

“School is a nightmare” With those words, Mariam, the show’s protagonist, opens the first episode. In…

The Inspiring Reemergence of Activism in Sport

Amongst others, Simone Biles, Colin Kaepernick, Naomi Osaka, and Marcus Rashford are harnessing their influence to instigate positive social…

By the Youth, for the Youth: 5 Budding Businesses Led by Founders Under 25

More and more fresh graduates are starting up their own businesses to initiate their path…