Real Talk

The Privilege of Being an Expat in the Egyptian Workforce

Among many evident partialities happening in Egypt, the unexplainable entitlement given to non-natives, especially white people, is overwhelming. 3o2det el…

Are Independent Women Held Accountable for Egypt’s High Divorce Rates

A few days ago, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and came across a post that directly points…

The Difference Between Life-Coaching and Therapy

One of the biggest misconceptions about the business of life-coaching, is that it is a mask for the business…

Does Your Workplace Environment Decide How Much of a Grown-Up You Are?

So, I was having a very random discussion the other day with two of my girlfriends about different working…

The Marketer/Musician Omar Abdelhady on Music as a Competitive Market

“I don’t believe that the right thing to do is leap from your career into your dream job. I…

The Startup Working to Empower Egypt’s Up-and-coming Artists and Creatives Just Won EGP 100K and a Silicon Valley Tour from Injaz Egypt

You might be an artist or a creative individual who is eager and passionate enough to express yourself with…

Personality Tests Should Not Be Used for Hiring and Here’s Why

The use of personality tests isn’t something new. Recently, however, more companies sell “personality tests” as a recruitment method….

‘More Of’ Thinks Artists Should be Entrepreneurs and Here’s Why

Aspiring artists and entrepreneurs might have a lot in common. But artists and creative individuals who attempt something original…

How More Of is Helping Unshackle Artists From Business Worries

Artists don’t have to be either quite privileged or hungry. They don’t have to struggle or starve to make…

How this Story of an HR Professional and a Rally Racing Steward Can Help us Avoid Bad Faith

Have you ever observed a waiter or a waitress and perceived their manners, behavior, and to an extent even,…