
Meet the Man Who Left City Life to Start an Entire Community in Basata

33 years ago, a man decided to leave all the fortunes that life bestowed upon him in chase of…

Can You Ever Have a Successful Career Without a College Degree?

Starting from kindergarten until your very last growing moment, your teachers, parents and basically everyone you know will preach the…

Ahmed Abou Hashima: The Business Mogul on Success and Work-Life Balance

A week ago, we were invited to Mindset, a prestigious event held by TEDx at the French University in…

9 Celebrities You Probably Didn’t Know Were Fans of Egyptian Brand Okhtein

Today is a good day for all Egyptians to be proud. The iconic Egyptian brand Okhtein has been making…

Egyptian Fashion House Makes Big Waves at BAFTA-Qualifying Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2018

The eighth edition of the BAFTA-Qualifying Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2018 should make every Egyptian proud. Thousands and…