
How to Be The Successful Employee You Want?

The Habits of Highly Effective Employees in the Workplace In today’s competitive work environment, the key to standing out and…

5 Reasons Why Relationships with Entrepreneurs Will Most Likely Succeed

Entrepreneurs are currently stealing the show in the business world! They are the creative, challengers, derivers and the ones…

Why Working Women Need To Give Themselves a Break

I’ve always struggled with the idea of perfect. The idea of getting everything just right, all the time. I…

Egyptian Business Couples Tell Us the Secret to Their Relationships

When you hear of a couple that work together, you automatically think what a headache, right? Like isn’t it…

Writer Mahmoud Abdo Wins Best Story Award at Cairo International Book Fair

Mahmoud Abdo, author of  a collection of 12 short stories called ‘Secret Organization’ has expressed his deep happiness for…

Yara Yassin from Up-Fuse Shares Tips on How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

If you’ve been living under a giant piece of plastic and don’t know what Up-Fuse is, well, let…