Life Up Gives you an Enticing Chance to Celebrate Local Artists this Weekend

Voices of Blend is an exhibition where you get to enjoy the artwork of Life Up’s junior and adult students and at the same time help more than 300 students access free, quality education. Seriously, what’s not to like? Just head to the event’s Facebook page to know how and when to attend.

If you don’t like rushing to links, that’s understandable. Life Up is – in summary – a one-spot-stop sanctuary for the mind, body and soul. In their second art exhibition, Voices of Blend, they champion the artworks of their students whilst helping other students access a better education.

Part of the exhibition’s returns will be dedicated to the artists featured in it and the other part will be donated to Educate Me: a non-profit, non-governmental foundation with the purpose of renovating Egyptian education into a path for children to become self-actualized learners.

If you’d like to learn more about what makes Life Up stand out, head here!

Omar Amin

Omar is a layman whose self-proclaimed focus is to navigate our post-sell out world with a healthy dose of skepticism.