Three Body Types That Drastically Affect Your Fitness Goals

Nothing is more frustrating than sticking to a diet plan for a long time, without seeing any noticeable results. Whoever is grappling with the issue, I feel you! I’ve been dieting for, I don’t know, as long as I can remember now. I’m always eating the same old same grilled chicken, with the usual bowl of tasteless salad; and guess what, I haven’t even lost a pound. Fitness has always been an important aspect of my life, but I never seem to get fully satisfied with my end- result physique.

Sometimes I just accept the fact that I won’t ever lose weight and take comfort in embracing the way I am and of course the remaining time I obsess over trying all over again. Whilst scouting the internet for new ways to save myself from turning into one big fat cell, I found something that is going to change the whole dieting and working out equation, for so many people.

Did you know that your body falls under only three body types? Well, I didn’t myself. But after digging more into the subject, I realized that maybe most of us had it all wrong.

There are three different body types that people have, and they control how you respond to exercise and food intake: Ectomorph, Endomorph, and Mesomorph.

via Fitness and Power

Ectomorph bodies are generally lean and long and have difficulties building muscles and fat. They have a fast metabolism and usually look like marathon runners, and that’s why they’re usually called “Hardgainers.” Ectomorphs don’t have to worry much about their consumption of carbs as the other two types. But, that should not be a green card for them to be carb hunters.

Ectomorphs are advised to include complex carbs in their diets such as peas, beans, whole grains, vegetables along with (brown bread and rice). A good amount of protein is also advised to help the muscles grow. Intensive Cardio is not made for Ectomorphs, weightlifting should be their main concern.

Endomorph bodies are the broad physiques that easily store fat and muscles, usually in the lower half their bodies. They stand out with their body strength compared to the two other types, yet they have a relatively slow metabolism.

Since Endomorphs are prone to reserve fat easily, high-intensity exercises and intensive cardio are advised in that case, to shock the body and help it lose weight. Endomorphs are also lucky when it comes to weightlifting since their muscle creation process is a no bother. But this is not an ideal world, so Endomorphs are bound to stick to a more austere diet plan. They better stay away from carbs especially ( bread and rice) and focus on their protein intake.

Mesomorphs bodies are the cause of distress to all of us. They’re basically lean and muscular at the same time with natural athletic physiques. Shoot me now. This is not just it. Mesomorphs’ diet plan is, of course relatively flexible. It should have equal amounts of protein and fat, with a reasonable amount of carbs.

The good news is, that there is no one size fits all. Your body can be a blend of two different types, so you’re not really stuck.

I’ve shared with you my newly discovered wisdom, so my work here is done, I think. Do your homework and begin your journey of understanding your body and all of its needs. And before anything else, you’re beautiful just the way you are. So embrace yourself and if something is bothering you just do something about it and stop complaining!

Nour Hossam

Nour is one of the most gregarious people you could ever come across. She literally loves everyone! She spends half of her life stuffing her face with food, and the other half trying to lose weight at the gym. Her shining example is Mulan because she would not hesitate to do anything for the people she loves. When she's not busy writing for 925 as a Staff Writer, you'll find her kitesurfing in Ras Sudr.