Ranking Ramadan 2022 Ads!

Ramadan is basically the ads season, and once again, the race has started.

And so, we brought you some of the good and well… terrible ones, and what we think of them.

Disclaimer: This list is in no particular order and is completely based on research and online reviews


SOKNA is Egypt’s first end-to-end funeral service, offering support to you and your family during hard times.
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The ad is honestly concise, to the point, and does not use excessive emotional appeal to deliver its message. It is a needed service.

Now, the telecom quartet with their big campaigns.

Of all 4, we guess Orange is our favorite!



Because it’s all about the little things and small moments, Vodafone accompanies you through it all! Amr Diab’s song and the small moments that Vodafone shares with you are lovely!



Everyone loved this ad, we guess! It was trending on Twitter and TikTok and created a big fuss, leaving it between positive impressions and some harsh criticism as well! But we must admit, the first verse is somehat catchy, yet basic.



Where have we seen this ad before? Oh right, last Ramadan! Isn’t this the same set and idea as last year’s? The only difference is… Ahmed Ezz.

Now… Orange


The idea that Ramadan this year is different because EVERYONE is fasting, both Muslims and Christians is very special. Nelly Karim, Mona Zaki, and Dina El Sherbeiny are definitely gorgeous! We think the resuing of Soaad Hosny’s song wasn’t the best thing to do. We mean, are we already out of new ideas and songs? But overall, we loved it!

The Real Estate Giants



Absolutely loved this ad! Karim Abd El Aziz’s charisma and sense of humor are very attractive. The way the ad showed us around the whole city was also very smart and fun.

Zed Park


Again, how is it different than last year’s? A bunch of celebrities singing or dancing. But then what?



The idea was honestly great. Showing the different generations and what Ramadan means to each one and how MNHD caters to all the generations and their needs and has been constructing for years and years!

We loved it!

Now… An ad like Badya is a GREAT ad!

There’s an idea. A story. A connection.


The ad is basically divided into 15 one-minute episodes, showcasing the beauty of beginnings In Badya and highlighting that “Every story has a beginning.”



The theme is technically repeated: the same singing and the same music. There was nothing new!

Egypt Post


What is this? Why is Amr Diab running throughout the entire ad? What’s with the workouts? What does that have anything to do with Egypt Post?

Later, they explained that this ad means that both Egypt Post and Amr Diab are اسطورة

The ad was also met with great opposition as the employees accused the company of wasting immense amounts of money on an ad, whereas the employees only earn a quarter of that money in salaries.

Tell us what you think of the ads and what were your favorites?