Mohamed Henedy Returns To Dubbing After A 3 Year Hiatus

“انا طلعت في التليفزيوووووون”
We all remember this line and of course its source, the brilliance Mohamed Henedy.
We all grew up hearing Timon, Super Henedy, and ” Korti Bo3Bo3″ until Disney abruptly switched to Standard Arabic.

But, Now Henedy has sprung a surprise: a return to dubbing after a long layoff since the last season of the Super Henedy series.

Henedy will make a unique return via Internet in the form of brief clips that will be broadcast exclusively on Tik Tok on his personal account and the “Anime Mix” account. These videos are going to be produced by “Screen” platform.

We will be eagerly awaiting this, as we have waited for all Henedy’s works before