Due to rapid technological advancements, people get access to everything at the palm of their hands. Yet many of these individuals don’t see how they can benefit from these developments, in a way to improve their health and athleticism. However, two synchronized swimming Olympians, Aya Nasr and Nour Al Afandi managed to monetize on these developments, using their experience and knowledge in the field of sports. As when they mixed these elements together, it led to the establishment of their aqua fitness center, Wave.
“The concept of our exercises is different than others, as we have merged between ground and aqua fitness workouts, and exercising on floating mats, to make the workout more beneficial, challenging, and fun,” Nasr said.
Aqua fitness is a variety of fitness exercises that are performed in water, usually in swimming pools.

Via Wave
The place is family friendly, so you can take your family, and either go to their outdoor swimming pool at Club 7 in Katameya Hills, or Verdi in Marassi. During the winter season, the classes are conducted in an indoor swimming pool.
“It is important for children to try aqua fitness exercises, as it helps them become more aware of their senses. Also, due to the resistance of water, body movement becomes slower, which allows the trainer to discover if the child has any dysfunctions in his movement,” Nasr said.
Clients have the choice to either subscribe per session or buy 10 sessions, based on their preference.
“Also, Wave provides its clients with exercises that help them improve their stability, as it is more difficult to maintain balance on the floating mats. This helps them in strengthening the core, as they use their entire body to stay stable,” Nasr added.

Via Wave
Wave’s exercises are circuit based, as the one hour session starts with a warm up, then the class starts to rotate. Clients get to swim, do aqua fitness workouts, exercise on the floating mats, and keep on switching places with one another. The combination of these exercises allows people to tone and sculpture their bodies, lose weight rapidly, and helps those with injuries to exercise easily, as the pressure on the joints is minimal.
Safety factors are highly present in these workouts, as the exercises are not dependent on weightlifting. Also, if someone lost balance and fell, they would fall into the water, which has a significantly less harmful impact than the ground. Not only do you get to wear whatever suits you during the workout, but also, if you are unable to go to the sessions, you can train with a personal trainer at another time that is convenient.

Via Wave
Nasr and Al Afandi aim to benefit as many people as they can, and they state that they are not entrepreneurs. In fact they are passionate athletes that care the most about seeing a positive output on their clients.
“The trainers are very professional, and the exercises are really fresh and fun. It makes you challenge yourself, which adds to the excitement of the workout. However, I didn’t continue going, as I believed that this type of training wouldn’t help me gain muscles,” former Waver, Ziyad El Gendy said.
While Waver, Maryam Gamal said: “During the session I feel that the sound of the water motivates me to continue and push my limits. The place is very clean and comfortable, and the coaches are really nice and helpful!”