
Amina Khalil’s “Leh La2” From The Work-Life Lens

Throughout the month of Ramadan, fans have been awaiting the debut of “Leh Laa”, gazing star Amina…

Egyptian Eco-friendly Companies Strive For A Better Environment

It’s better late than never, especially when it comes to your future, your children’s future, and humanity’s future and…

How Rahet Bally Is Trying To Help Women Deal With Motherhood

When she was put in a difficult situation where she had to adapt to becoming a mother…

Boujee: The Egyptian Clothing Brand Hijacking The Fashion Industry

Inspired by the French historical definition of bourgeoisie, and the rising relevance of the term boujee in…

Why Youth Cultures Play a Major Role in the Development of our Society

What do societies mean when they address youth cultures? What youth are they talking about? Do youth even have…

In the Words of Psychologist Farah El Miligui: Navigating Boundaries in the Workplace

It’s an interesting time to be a globalized Egyptian. A coffee kanaka in a world of Nespresso. As a psychologist…

Top students in 1933

An Entrepreneurial Vision: The Past’s Eyes On The Future

In the article “Why are we so curious?”, published by BBC, senior lecturer in psychology and cognitive…

Why We Need To Stop Stereotyping People According to their Majors

Let’s get one thing straight, there is no escaping the fact that there are certain stereotypes that surround certain…

Dealing with an Employee’s Drug Addiction, from HR’s Perspective

According to Egyptian labor law, article #69, point no.7 states that “a worker shall be immediately discharged if they…

How My Life Changed Through Ownership and Responsibility

They say when it rains it pours and let me tell you, right now, in my world; it happens…