Published Thoughts

An Open Letter to My Boss Who WhatsApps Me on a Friday

Dear Boss, I love my job and I love how committed you are to teaching me new things. However, I…


How I Found Out I Might Be Gifted In Writing

All my life, I’ve been around people who were interested in writing. It didn’t matter what they wrote; diaries,…

Yes I’m a Designer but I’m Also a Versatile Chameleon

Artists, we are so misunderstood. I would like to take this chance to talk about my field of study,…

What I Told People When They Said I Wouldn’t Find A Job In Media

I’ve only been a graduate for a few months but honestly, this issue didn’t begin after I graduated. I’ve…

The Daunting Fear of Workplace Bullies

If you are one of those people who have to wake up in the morning, go into the office…

Maybe it’s time for a career break

From an early age we’re led to do certain things in life. We’re told to go to school and…

Does Social Status Affect Work Relationships and Respect

I read a very interesting quote the other day, one I’ve never really put much thought into. It read:…

Here’s To All The Elephants In The Room

In public I live with pride, a lion in my own jungle. In private and with those I value,…

If You’re Still Figuring Out Your Career Path, Know That You’re Not Alone

If you’re one of those people who frequently grapple with mini-breakdowns about their career development, I can guarantee you…

If You Needed A Sign, This Is It

There comes a time in each of our lives when our gut tells us that something is off, something…