Published Thoughts

How Family Businesses Can Be A Blessing But Also A Burden

A family business is a blessing, a free pass to a brighter future, but at times it can also…

Why Do Women Have to Uncover Their Future Plans When Getting a Job

Okay, let’s just get things straight! Yes, I’m a woman. Yes, I say “I do” willingly. Yes by divine…

An Open Letter to My Co-Worker Who Takes Credit for My Work

Dear Co-Worker, I’m not sure you know this but I put so much time and effort into the project you…

The Reasons Why Having a Job I Love Keeps Me Sane

For the first time in a very long time, I actually really appreciate having my job and having something…

An Introvert’s Confession to Surviving the Workplace

In a world where introverts have become second-class citizens and extroversion has become an appealing personality trait, I am…

Is the Self-Help Industry Really Helping You?

On many nights, I get the most uneasy of feelings that inexplicably lead to (existential) questions such as: What…

Turning Your Passion into a Job Is Better Said Than Done

A famous quote once said, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day…

Why We Need To Stop Stereotyping People According to their Majors

Let’s get one thing straight, there is no escaping the fact that there are certain stereotypes that surround certain…

Is Making Money From Home the Future?

I think it’s safe to say that most millennials can relate to Drake when he says “I only love…

Why Working Women Need To Give Themselves a Break

I’ve always struggled with the idea of perfect. The idea of getting everything just right, all the time. I…